Events that Support Our Mission
Volunteer Appreciation 2024

Good Samaritan Pharmacy and Health Services, Inc. celebrated its volunteers in a special event held at the Venetian Golf and River Club.
The Nokomis-based organization depends on volunteer physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and many non-healthcare volunteers to provide services to about 600 clients.
At the special event, organized by volunteer Jan Tkaczyk, the food was prepared by the Venetian Golf and River Club.
Founded in 2008, Good Samaritan Pharmacy and Health Services is a non-denominational, not-for-profit organization located in Nokomis. GSPHS provides free access to physician services, diagnostic testing, prescriptions and over-the-counter medications to uninsured, financially needy members of Sarasota county.

Volunteer Appreciation
Good Samaritan honors its volunteers | News |
The Nokomis-based organization depends on volunteer physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and many non-healthcare volunteers to provide services to about 600 clients.
At the special event, organized by volunteer Jan Tkaczyk, the food was prepared by the Venetian Golf and River Club.
Founded in 2008, Good Samaritan Pharmacy and Health Services is a non-denominational, not-for-profit organization located in Nokomis. GSPHS provides free access to physician services, diagnostic testing, prescriptions and over-the-counter medications to uninsured, financially needy members of Sarasota county.
Chick-Fil-A Pelican Plaza- Sarasota
We want to let you know that your entire team was wonderful to work with. Every day that our volunteers were at your restaurant, we witnessed employee dedication to doing the best for all customers. We too, were welcomed with the same warm, genuine greeting given to all guests. The food is fabulous and the establishment is spotless!
All anyone could ask for and then some!
Your offer for us to be the April charity, allowed us to share information with countless people in the greater Sarasota area and we were pleased with the interest and support expressed by many guests.
I would be remiss if I did not single out Abigail. When we first spoke on the phone, I thought she was from the corporate office and about ten+ years older; she was that mature and professional! Every day I was at your restaurant I witnessed, her tireless efforts to both serve customers and attend to members of your team. She is amazing!
And to add to all this positive experience at your restaurant, we raised $1,427.00 to help us with our mission: “To provide free medication and medical services to uninsured financially needy members of our community so as to positively affect their quality of life.”
From all of us at Good Samaritan Pharmacy & Health Services, a “BIG THANK YOU & JOB WELL DONE!

100 Women Who Care
On March 15, 2023, “100 Women Who Care Greater Sarasota”, held their semiannual meeting. Their sole purpose is to meet twice a year, collect $100 from each member and vote on which local nonprofit the money should go to. Each member can put the name of their favorite charity “in the hat” from which 3 are drawn. Good Samaritan Pharmacy and Health Services was one of the 3 names drawn! One representative from each organization drawn provides a brief presentation on their non-profit. All members present then vote. Kim Baigert, one of our volunteers, gave a heartwarming, moving presentation that resulted in our being the voted as the recipient of $27,600!

Venetian Golf & River Club Annual Ladies’ Charity Tournament
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
100 ladies braved the cold and rain to support our annual charity event. This year’s recipient was Good Samaritan Pharmacy & Health Services. The event raised $16,000.00. Golfers made generous donations, many taking advantage of the Louis and Gloria Flanzer Trust to double the amount! We held a silent auction, a fabulous raffle with over $5,000 worth of gift certificates and golfing packages, along with a “Grab n’ Go” beauty table to help the cause. Local businesses and golf courses in Venice and companies working within the VGRC community were extremely strong supporters of the event, offering sign sponsors, golf packages, and gift cards.
Ed Howard Lincoln Mazda and Tri-County Air Conditioning each sponsored a Hole-in-One prize.
Committee Members: Jan Tkaczyk, Selma Block, Colleen Stone, Lynn Scisco, Penny Viau, Mary Dixon, Julie Salerno, Eileen Campbell, Jesse Verna, Margie Mancini and Donna Clark
Prizes: First Place (each)-$100 gift certificate Affordable Golf Carts
Second Place- $50 Cassariano’s
Third Place-$25 Triple Tail and Connors
Fourth and Fifth Place-Bottles of wine

VGRC Ladies Charity Golf Tournament
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
75 ladies participated in this year’s event. After coffee and pastries in the Grille Room, the group headed out for the scramble competition. The weather cooperated and provided a perfect day for golf. Around 12:30 the foursomes returned for a lovely lunch that included wedding soup, chef’s salad with hot rolls and a cookie platter. Adding to the fun was a terrific raffle with restaurant certificates, gift baskets, golf-for-4 at local private clubs, 50-50 cash and custom jewelry from our own member, Penny Viau. Ed Howard Lincoln provided a 2-year lease on an MKZ for a Hole-in-one on 11, along with golf clubs, a cruise and a big cooler as prizes for a hole-in-one on the other Par 3’s. [A big “Thanks” to the “Hubby Help” provided on Hole 11. Witnesses at the hole over the 4 ½ hours included: Allan Tkaczyk, Alan Souza, John Mancini, Art Nimbley, Rick Abell, Fred Williamson and Ted Block.] Closest-to-the-Pin winners were Linda Mulligan-Hole 3, Lynn Sisco-Holes 8 and 13 and Linda Brink-Hole 11. (results attached). Winners received gift certificates from numerous local restaurants around Venice.
Over lunch, Dr. Sheeba Mesghali, Clinical Director at Good Samaritan (and a VGRC resident) was introduced and spoke briefly about the services they provide to those in our community who do not have prescription medication coverage. Dr. George Forcier, Board Chair, explained that every $100 generated translates into $3,400 of services/medications. The results: Over $6,000 was collected for Good Samaritan Pharmacy & Health Services with checks still coming in! The day was yet another testimony of the generosity of the women of VGRC! Committee Members included Jan Tkaczyk, Jo Williamson, Selma Block, Kathryn Souza, Margie Mancini, Nancy Dezelan and Kay Dellos (Mission Valley and Good Samaritan volunteer).